Contoh Cerita Bahasa Inggris


The hanging gardeng of Babylon was aman-made structure that was one of the seven wonders of the anclant word the hanging garden originated in approximately 605 B.C
            Babylon the capithal of Babylon was built between the euphirates and tigris rivers ,where modern iraq ,stand today king nebuchadne 22 ar built the  hanging garden for this wife,amytis,who was the princess of the medes.
            The hanging garden was built on arches overlooking the city walls the lowest terrace wa twenty four meters of the ground and each succeeding terrace was three meters higher. There was about six terraces ,so that the topmost terrace was forty meters of the ground.
            The first stage of the building was a saries of brick ardiways that were the same hight at the city walls. Underneath them lay a shaded courtyard on tip of the arches, te babylons built long brick terrace in rows. These terraces were lined with lead, to hold the water than covered with tick layers of far tile soil. Many exotic plants and trees were planted each flower bad was the size of a tennis about and the area of each terrace was thirty metres long by five metres wide.

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